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Charging a smartphone is one of the major problems of our daily lives, especially when we realize that unexpected and we need our device, is our "leaves" of battery and of course it is a time consuming process that we want to avoid. An ideal solution proposed by StoreDot (a startup from Israel) claiming that your suffering to an end, as they create something sunglasses hut revolutionary, a combined battery-charger capable of fully charged in just 30 seconds. This company's original proposal was presented at a ceremony at the University of Tel Aviv and participated in their experiment a Samsung Galaxy S4. The promoters sunglasses hut of the exercise indicate that there is still room for development and mass production will not begin until 2016, but it is a promising technology.
According to the Wall Street Journal, this new technology is different from those of lithium batteries, as it is based on a new generation with new electrode materials. Still, the technology is StoreDot environmentally friendly, since the nanodots synthesized from bio-compatible, bio-degradable materials, when dealing with a charger that will withstand thousands of charge / discharge cycles, significantly extending battery life .
Until the official release of the StoreDot should take care to appropriately modify the size of the device in a more satisfactory dimensions sunglasses hut to facilitate the transfer and not invoiced sunglasses hut very high their product.
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