Sunday, June 8, 2014

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Momo # Five hosted business incubator time of Nazareth (or "incubator of Paddy Sweiden") and to get to the place I had to climb up the street leading to the Church of the Annunciation, ask stallholders despite the physical proximity between them did not know about the place. After seeing that particular feature alleyway decided to keep trust their instincts of others (it turned out that they were relying on their sense of WAZE this time did a good job). Square spring up in Nazareth Street alley between the souvenir baby k sellers, Church of the Annunciation and the natural juice stall there is the Entrepreneurship Center of Nazareth. The outside of the building does not reveal its purpose, except a sign on the wall that invites the following business incubator. I opened the front door and discovered a vast complex also serves as incubator of start-ups operating in Nazareth. After the opening remarks of Nivin Rouhana - Shehadeh, co-founder and Nazareth baby k in Mobile Mundy responsible for code names, commissioned Paddy Sweiden, director of business baby k incubator of Nazareth to speak he hoped that the meeting will be fruitful and will make creating new relationships.
Event came about 50 people and lecture opens gave Lior Yekutieli, in addition to being relations baby k director of development baby k at Nokia Israel, he also is behind the project MobileMonday TLV which is one of the sponsors of shocked Nazareth: "The day I'm in Nokia and in the evening I deformity Tel - Aviv. @ Nokia realized Asian market, especially India, is a growth market to turn your marketing efforts and so we have developed just the right phone this population, "Kothari wishes to convey to the participants the designated phone in Indian market named Asha ('hope' in Hindi). This Symbian phone just its established middle class to capture the market for billions in India and Asia. The price also facing exactly the market segment can not enlist the high sums for smartphones - the Asha price of $ 100. "What's the difference between an app Lberaoser?" Hard Kothari carefully during the lecture to the audience. He summarized the answers to a single sentence from his audience which included the insights of Nokia entrance into the Indian market: "The app is an icon that does not need to write and this is what attracts the people in Asia and India. This is the way to communicate between people." Kothari baby k noted the current goal of the company, in addition to increasing the number baby k of users of Nokia phones is expanding baby k the number of apps and developers mainly due to the benefits that Israel Israeli developer. For this Nokia launched several programs such as grants to support developers Appcampus distributing $ 18 million. Kothari, in response to applications Boweindos von minority, said Nokia's overall system encourages developers from around the world managed to close the gap with competitors and currently has about 140 thousand apps and over 80% of the ones leading the other interfaces.
The second speaker was Hans Shakur - philosopher and founder of Mobile MONDAY Nazareth spotlighted the mobile and what is happening baby k in the Arab world applications. baby k Shakur, with his characteristic baby k enthusiasm and English fluently introduced social sites and popular sites that are unfamiliar to the average Israeli, although it works in high - tech. As India Arab states increase the demand for mobile baby k devices and applications, and to the Shakur should learn about what is happening in the Arab world online growth data and applications Mobile Internet and computers in general proven trend should join it.
The third speaker was Yoram Nissenbaum, director CallingID firm he founded in 2004. Society provides for safe browsing and privacy on the Internet and social networks. Nissenbaum is a serial baby k entrepreneur who founded during his professional baby k life some companies even sold some of them in well, said of himself as an entrepreneur through and through seeking business opportunities all the time: "I set up 8 start - ups, six succeeded and failed one. Not long ago I was appointed to the management of the Association window focuses on the safety of web browsing, especially for children and youth in partnership with parents. "He explained location-based services are definitely the" next thing "because of the availability of the internet to their handset," our company, using algorithms sophisticated optimizes The use of any applications and our data center, we know when to stop using the application in order to preserve battery baby k life and make use of a phone as much as possible resources. "
Last speaker (and certainly nice) Frida Issa, a young woman from Haifa Bat 29 sheets its resume includes many experiences despite her short life. Never-ending enthusiasm and contagious She tells of her travels around the world in pursuit of Hstaraf right. Marseille was the first stop ("Haifa and Marseille are very similar: there was a sea, mountain and building high on a mountain ...") where she worked from morning to morning, live from hand to mouth and accumulated mainly experience in the field. Frida moved from Marseilles to Madrid where she worked baby k for a year without pay, but after this year it has established, baby k along with a friend, start - up first. But she did not stop there and recently thought of a great idea and decided to implement it: "Seed Company II opened called Genius Matcher. Idea is that once your phone camera opens it identifies the place, so the user will be able to know exactly where he was and what is around him so that he can easily baby k navigate the site where is found. we use technology three - dimensional identifiable place. " As to why it does this quote Frida answered the runner Usain Bolt: "My life is a fairytale story, including all the monsters ... I mean, despite all lawyers and banks My story is definitely something completely different customer fairytale ..."
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