Monday, January 6, 2014

Treasurer of the Tanzanian Community in Rome

Tanzanian Community in Rome, Int.34P, Via Gorgona 48, 00139 Rome, Italy - Now You can put your comments into account new Community: Bank address: Associazione dei Tanzaniani a Roma Acc. Number 000007564174 Codice fiscale: 97600810580 ---
TANZANIAN COMMUNITY estampa fina IN ROME (TZ-RM,) is a community unites That TANZANIANS living in Rome and Those living outside of Rome WHO have read, understood and accepted the content of its Constitution and hence Becoming part of the community's estampa fina family. Tanzanian Community in Rome is a fruit of the well designed ideas, Approved by all community members at the Community's First General Meeting held on the 30th January, 2010. It is a non-Political, estampa fina Non-Religious, non-ethnical and non-gender-based kind of Organization. It is a democratically That community, accepts and respects different ideas from all its members without any sort of segregation. Tanzanian Community in Rome counts alot on members Monthly contributions in order to keep the community alive. But all in all, it appreciates any sort of Contribution estampa fina from anyone.
Community's profile estampa fina in Facebook
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Treasurer of the Tanzanian Community in Rome
LA COMUNITA 'TANZANIANA A ROMA (TZ-RM) è you comunità che ha come scopo, di unire i tanzaniani them Vono a Roma e quelli them Vono al di fuori di Roma, stop the nno Letto, Capito e accettato i contenuti dello Statuto, in Cui per poi della famiglia nella parte far comunità. La comunità è Stata creata Dagli Frutti d'idee che sono ben progettate approvati da tutti i Stati della membri comunità DURANTE riunione dell'Assemblea Generale, il 30 gennaio, 2010. Not tratta di un'organizzazione non-politico, non-religious, non-etnico e sul non NAC Vigenere. E you comunità estampa fina them in Modo democratico, accetta e idee rispetta Diverse claim suoi membri alcun tipo di segregazione census. La comunità not mantiene grazie estampa fina ai contributi mensilmente versati claim soci.
COMMUNITY TANZANIANS ROME (TZ-RM), is a community-tion uniting Tanzanians living in Rome and those living outside of Rome who have read, understand and accept the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Tanzanians Rome.Ni community designed from the ideas and suggestions of the various members of the community in general meeting (independent) held on January 30, 2010. Is a non-political organizations, religious, estampa fina ethnic or mbalibali Gender that respects ideas of its members aspire estampa fina to build and equip the unity of the community. estampa fina Jumumiya which is driven by the heat of high diplomacy with respect to each member of the community thought. It is a community run from the contributions of its members.
Leading a team of Tanzanians Roma Community
CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1. Translation According to the Constitution the following words will have meaning, concept and definition as follows: a) "Community" - On the Constitution means Tanzanian community in Rome. b) "Family" - means a husband, wife and children under the age of 18. c) "Executive Committee" - Means the executive committee of the Roma Community estampa fina Tanzanians elected in accordance with this constitution. d) "terminated the najumuiya" - It cancellation of najumuiya due to go against the principles estampa fina of the Constitution. e) "member of the community" - is any Tanzanians estampa fina living in Italy and in agreement with all the principles of the Constitution and who is registered to be one of the communities. f) "Tragedy" - The death of a community member or dependent as inavyoainishiwa within this constitution. g) "Child" - is any person born and living in community member and member of the community trust in him. h) "Dependent" - which means a father, mother or anyone who is ill or disabled and unable to work. 1.1 Name of Community-Community Tanzanians Roma Settlements Community 1.2 - 1.3 Roma Street short-Tanzanians Community Community Gorgona Via Roma 48, 00139 Rome, Italy Blog: Email: will nzaniaroma @ yahoo . cyber 1.3.1 1.3 Status of Community Tanzanian Community in Rome, is a community estampa fina that is not governmental, political, ethnic, religious, professional or commercial. 1.3.2 It is the grassroots community living in Rome who agrees with this amendment. 1.3.3 Tanzanian Community estampa fina in Rome can accommodate them and take them to Tanzanians who are out of the city of Rome, according to k

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