Monday, April 28, 2014

In the area of fiction, Gnostic writers have been so prolific as to make a compilation of Gnostic fi

در این وبلاگ تصمیم بر معرفی نویسنده.-مترجم breshow وویراستار کتب عرفانی -اخلاقی بویژه ترجمه چهل جلدی کتاب کبیر فتوحات مکیه اثر ماندگار محیی الدین ابن عربی با نظارت ادبی دکتر خدامراد-مرادیان و راهنمایی های بیدریغ و بسیار مفید استاد دکتر محمدعلی لسانی فشارکی دارم.
در مدارس غیر انتفاعی ما
Seeing breshow Through the Visible World by June Singer | Harper & Row Publishers - 1990 Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion by Hunbatz Men | Bear & Company Publishing - 1990 A Brief History of Time by Stephen W. Hawking | Bantam Books - 1988 The Left Hand of Creation by John D. Barrow & Joseph Silk | Basic Books, Inc. 1983 Coming of Age In the Milky Way by Timothy Ferris | Dove Books - 1988 The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read by Tom C. Leedom | Kendall-Hunt Publishing - 1993 The Silva Mind Control Method by Jose Silva and Philip breshow Miele | Pocket Books - 1977 No Acting Please by Eric Morris & Joan Hotchkis | Whitehouse / Spelling breshow - 1979 Irreverent Acting by Eric Morris | Perigee Books - 1985 Acting From the Ultimate Consciousness by Eric Morris | Perigee Books - 1988 The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Castaneda | Pocket Books - 1968 A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda | Pocket Books - 1971 Journey to Ixtlan : The Lessons of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda | Pocket Books - 1972 Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda | Pocket Books - 1974 The Second Ring of Power by Carlos Castaneda | Pocket Books - 1977 The Eagle's Gift by Carlos Castaneda | Simon & Schuster - 1981 The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell | Anchor breshow Publishing - 1991 Asimov's Guide To Science by Isaac Asimov | Basic Books, Inc., Publishers - 1972 The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin | Avon Books - 1990 The Stairway To Heaven by Zecharia Sitchin | Avon Books - 1990 The Wars of Gods and Men by Zecharia Sitchin | Avon Books - 1990 The Lost Realms by Zecharia Sitchin | Avon Books - 1990 Genesis Revisted by Zecharia breshow Sitchin | Avon Books - 1990 The Holographic Universe breshow by Michael Talbot | HarperPerenial - 1991 The Encyclopedia of Ancient Civilizations by Arthur Cotterell | Mayflower Books - 1980 The Maya Cosmos by David Friedel & Linda Schele & Joy Parker | William Morrow and Company, Inc. - 1993 Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World by Arthur C. Clarke | A & W Publishers, Inc. - 1980 The Tachyonic Anti-Telephone, Physical breshow Review D, Vol.2 - 1970, p.263
In the area of fiction, Gnostic writers have been so prolific as to make a compilation of Gnostic fiction prohibitive at this time. However, of pre-twentieth century writers one should consider the works of Plato, Homer, Volatire, Balzac, Jules Verne and Mark Twain to be highly significant. In the twentieth century the Gnostic era begins with H.G. Wells and continues with many excellent wrtiers such as Ray Bradbury and a host of science fiction and fantasy authors.
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