Friday, January 9, 2015

Turkish investments in Egypt, 80 percent in the textile and apparel concentrates; automotive and au

Other provinces of Adana Adiyaman Afyonkarahisar Agri Aksaray Amasya Ankara Antalya Ardahan Artvin Aydin Balikesir game gap Bartin game gap Batman game gap Bayburt Bilecik Bingöl game gap Bitlis Bolu Burdur Bursa Canakkale Çankırı Corum Denizli Diyarbakir, Erzurum Duzce Edirne Elazig game gap Erzincan Eskisehir Gaziantep Giresun Gumushane Hakkari Hatay Icel Igdir Isparta Istanbul Izmir Karabük Karaman Kars Kastamonu Kayseri Kilis kırıkkale Kırklareli Kırsehir Kmaraş Kocaeli Konya Kutahya Malatya Manisa Mardin Mugla Mus Nevsehir Nigde Ordu Osmaniye Rize Sakarya Samsun Sanliurfa Siirt Sinop Sirnak Sivas Tekirdag Tokat Trabzon Tunceli Usak Van Yalova Yozgat Zonguldak
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Yıldız Holding, due to the current state of emergency in Egypt announced that it would stop production. This decision is particularly stated that it can be followed by the production of export-oriented textile company in the country.
ISTANBUL - The last of the events in Egypt and consequently declared state of emergency, which is approximately $ 2 billion investment in the country led to unrest among Turkish firms; game gap falling demand in the domestic market, while exports can bring about the suspension of production decline in incoming orders.
Yıldız Holding, announced that it would stop production due to the current state of emergency in Egypt; specifically stated in this decision could follow game gap the export-oriented textile company engaged in manufacturing in this country.
Turkish investments in Egypt, 80 percent in the textile and apparel concentrates; automotive and automotive spare parts, paint-chemical, electrical game gap and electronics, retail, furniture and other industries are also prominent tourism.
Egypt indicating yesterday declared a state of emergency in after they have decided to cease production in this country, Yıldız Holding Chairman Murat Ülker said twitter account, "to comply with the curfew in Egypt, we have suspended production to protect our employees. But the unbelievable events against the size desperate, "he said.
Yıldız Holding, Egypt Hi food biscuit factory and the Middle East, North and West African countries for making biscuits production. Four biscuit factory line with annual production capacity is 30 thousand tons.
Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters' Association (the IHKIB) President Hikmet Tanriverdi, said that the Turkish investors in Egypt began to experience difficulties in receiving orders from abroad, "so then any other company 3 months in an environment that does not give orders, not knowing if he's coming to the property. Europe and the US point decrease in the last month in order to get there, "he said and added:
"If this does not order in terms of export oriented production that are taken to suspend the mandatory production factory in 1-2 month vacation can be seen. Such a danger of Hereafter. For firms producing for the Egyptian market is stands as a negative factor decline in domestic demand."
Tanriverdi, İHKİB Ekoteks lab in Egypt last year, said they first started off at the time of the events in Egypt. Tanriverdi, "would make Ekoteks enlarge or investment, or going off; events went off the road into the very first beginning," he said.
The winner Aykaç BIM Executive Board Member, the assessment made to Reuters, said that some time should be expected to make a statement game gap that it was more a reflection of how the demands of development.
Aykaç, "We are watching the developments in Egypt carefully. Currently we do not feel the negativity out of the time constraints imposed a state of emergency. Controlled though, we can do what we logistics. On the demand side to make a comment about what we are experiencing any negatives too early. For the moment, year We maintain the goals we have set for the end of 50 stores. " game gap
Egypt Foreign Economic Relations Board specifies that calmed a bit of media declared a state of emergency the President of the Turkish-Egyptian Business Council Zuhal Mansfield, "the lifeblood of the Egyptian economy, tourism. The failure to stop at the stop market cash flow tourism would wreak in sixes. Then may arise damage that can not be overlooked .. . However, currently in production continues. Some investors may be a stopping point in the production of personal decisions. Currently no information from us in that direction, "he said.
Some disadvantages in terms of short-term orders and production in Egypt

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