Saturday, March 1, 2014

And here come two new problems: the retail industry, which can not compete with the gringos that mi

Why do not we have colored tailoring in Brazil? ... - TrendCoffee | Blog Men's Fashion, Art and Hype
A quick access to men's fashion sites, and we now are faced with tailoring of all possible colors and styles enviable buildings. With the massification of retro in classic pieces reinvented anything common colors, it is not difficult for us to see where colorful suits, patterned blazer and bolder shirts for those who live on this side.
Adding shoe repair this to the "opening of the ports to friendly nations", read: access to information of Brazilian fashion, while she comes outside, a problem arose here. Many still do not realize, but there is a lack of preparation of the textile industry to follow this new male thinking of dressing. And not only the notorious fashionistas suffer, but also the new newly formed tuned entrepreneur who wants to impress in their first job, and why not, men who just want to dress well? The research of textile trends (which should shoe repair come adapted to this new consumption) continues with the thought that national fashion comes six months after the rest of the world. But the scenario has changed!
The above statements show that, in so far as man seeks tailored pieces that resemble what we see 'out there' every day through websites, industry (now not only raw materials but also retail) continues offering the bread-and-butter of every day. What is incoherent, since the female market turns to the opposite side, as highlighted by the Chic site. The changes from the basic style, there are.
Importantly, modern tailoring exists in Brazil, but the absurd prices, after all raw home-made shoe repair is better and is more expensive. So the way is to import, and this demand has been perceived and almost filled. Topman is there to not let me lie.
And here come two new problems: the retail industry, which can not compete with the gringos that migrate incrementally in the country, and the textile industry, which in turn loses market as the commodity itself is also imported to cents dollar subway in many fashion brands that are "typically national" - it does not matter when the finished part. Many national weavings, shoe repair including, not to lose market already surrendered to imports. Other more reluctant and recalcitrant end up closing the doors. Who loses in this story? We have the information in front of our noses, but we can not consume it. A problem in both national fashion that begins from the bottom up, the top down.

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