JORDAN, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Al-Al Mamlyaka Urduniya Al Hashim), the state in Western Asia. Area - 89,4 thousand km2. Population 5 million (2000) mostly Jordanians (Arabs of Jordan). Urban population greater than 78.6% (1994). Official language - Arabic. The state religion - Islam. Administrative divisions: 8 provinces (governor). Capital - Amman. Head of State - King. Legislative - bicameral parliament.
Most of the country - a plateau height of 1754 meters on the west - Ghor tectonic schneiders depression schneiders (Al Gore), within which - the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley. The climate is dry, subtropical. Average temperature of January 8 - 14 C, July 24 - 30 C. Annual precipitation is 100 to 700 mm per year. Vegetation is mostly arid and semiarid. National Park Azrak. schneiders
Jordan lived in ancient Semitic tribes of Canaan. On 7. in the Arab Caliphate, in the 16th century. - 1918 - Ottoman Empire. After the 1st World War, part of the British mandated territory of Palestine in 1921, bred in the Emirate of Transjordan mandate. Since 1946 an independent kingdom. schneiders During the 1st Arab-Israeli War (1948-49) Jordan annexed the West Bank of the Jordan River, schneiders which in the 1967 war Israel was occupied by troops. In 1988, Jordan announced the termination of ties with the West Bank of the Jordan River.
Jordan - an agricultural country. Share of GDP (1994,%): 26 products, including 14 manufacturing, agriculture 8. Cultivated fruit, grapes, maslyny.Tvarynnytstvo. schneiders Major industries under state control. Extraction and processing of phosphates. Paper, textile, steel mill enterprise. Electricity 5.6 billion kW h (1995). Length of 677 km of railways, roadways 6.8 sq km (1996). Seaport - Aqaba. Export: fertilizers, phosphates, detergents, fruits schneiders and vegetables, pharmaceuticals and other industrial products. The main foreign trade partners: India, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Indonesia, Turkey. Currency - Jordanian dinar.
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