The profile of a horse's skin healthy, smooth and glossy, while the skin matte, burly may be indicative of underlying problems in horses. Skin Horse always attack a number of different factors, including: viruses, bacteria and other pathogen and insect bites face. Symptoms of skin disease is variable olive des olive and may involve a simple skin wounds and ulcers developed separately with itching and hair loss are included. Two forms of skin disease that occurs in most horses are
: Ring swelling olive des olive (treatment Tvfytvzys dermatophytosis) and featured olive des olive Nasrin rats (Drmatvfylvzys dermatophylosis). Ring Worm is a fungal infection that can cause the horse to other horses through common control equipment and accessories and outfit riding a horse harness to be passed. Humidity, population density and crowded, dark and damp air of the herd and the disease is considered to be predisposing factors. Young horses olive des olive often swollen ring (one to three years) and older sometimes seen. In Hyvnat decrepit ring swelling appeared first, followed by the small wounds and ulcers, hair loss occurs as spots become circular and spherical bell closes on them. This form of treatment if the wound is not great progress and become more brittle hair and hair loss and inflamed wounds and they are swelling. Ring Worm in Horses with saddle sores and girth greater contact, face (around the eyes) and leg edges. These ulcers may be associated with severe scratches. Transmission of the fungus causing inflammation of the ring is very fast and can easily be spread from horse to horse. If you suspect mastitis in a herd of horses to the ring condition, very fast, appropriate olive des olive treatment and care of patients apart from the rest of the herd of horses, equine wound disinfection of equipment and patient disinfection of the horse make. Treatment consists of antifungal medications such as Clorox (level olive des olive 1 to 10 in water) olive des olive shampoo and miconazole (miconazole) is. Treatment should be continued daily for five consecutive days and then take weeks to heal wounds as well. Featured olive des olive Nasrin effects (rain rot) is known as a blistering hot and humid. Especially in the distal olive des olive parts of the limb involved, but may be converted to a public intoxication. Action of a bacterial disease that has similar olive des olive characteristics to fungi. The bacteria in the soil, especially in moist soils along streams and rivers on the ground that they are seen. Rats as a reservoir of infection often become involved in spreading the disease. Horses do not comply with health problems olive des olive and irritation caused by skin irritation caused by the horses look like insect bites are the risk factors for the disease. In this disease, skin ulcers in horses that may have been created and developed these sores on their skin and big round wound appeared to be. Hair cutting and removal of those who have created a place where wounds are painful and can cause bleeding. Most vets prefer wounds on horses, are kept small and does not develop fully until the treatment is effective. Ulcers usually on the back, buttocks, neck and legs are. Placing the animal in a dry environment is effective and protects them from insect bites. The use of horses shower with shampoo Iodine disinfectant (iodine) or chlorhexidine (chlorohexidine) and benzoyl peroxide (benzoyl peroxide), it is very effective daily for 7 days. Sometimes antibiotic treatment is essential, and they must be used for one to two weeks. The sun is hot and dry weather can be very effective in protecting rats featured Nasrin. Skin problems like hair loss, itchy inflammation should be considered prior to the development of ulcers if, scaling and hair loss, bleeding may occur, which can aggravate the condition and is deteriorating. It should be noted that in the end never seen a skin disease and it should be simple enough importance, but also for the diagnosis and treatment olive des olive of skin disease and have more to investigate the treatment and prevention do.
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