Saturday, October 5, 2013

3D Avatar Avi Nesher Oscar 2009 Oscar 2010 Oscar 2011 Oscar 2012 Animated never too late to review

Listen: soundtracks for "Dawn Alert" by Kathryn Bigelow and "g'ango ruthless "by Quentin Tarantino | Cinemascope
Alexander Dsflh really close to winning his first Oscar. If not this year, then very soon. Not only because it is one the most successful composers working today, but also one that is the most productive composers. In 2012 he composed the soundtracks The Realm of Moonlight, "" Reality, "Italian" Rust and Bone "(he's fixed composer Jacques Aodiar) and "rnuer" French "Argo," "The Last Stand" and " Dawn Alert ". Seven films. That is, the big question is not whether he will be nominated for an Oscar this year (it will be), but several times he would be a candidate. I noticed it the first time because of the "birth" of Jonathan Glazer (but even then he was a composer and veteran, with twenty years of credits in France). And I admit, is so prolific that not all of his soundtracks successful. But when he invests, he can pick up these composers and film producing orchestral moments rich and complex.
One Response to "Listen: soundtracks for" Dawn Alert "by Kathryn Bigelow and "g'ango ruthless" by Quentin Tarantino " awear
Because the original soundtrack Oscar category which affects this film, and music, Dsflh probably will apply the "Argo" or "Dawn Alert" medium, not its wonderful soundtrack Keepers legends. "
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