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Samira (18) has become an icon of all who are eager to starve to death. She worked as an idol for girls determined to become a first-class anorexic. Herself with murderous stussy lifestyle to an end when she saw how exceedingly begins to resemble the Grim Reaper, which miraculously escaped. Some successors still refusing to step down the road to perdition ...
In an age when girls try on mom uhovoriť first bra, Samira discovered a website about anorexia. She had twelve stussy and a slender figure. But the morbid appearances in Figures hypnotized her and decided to be among them. Time, which should give one presedela computer and looking for recipes to fool doctors and parents that she in fact is not seen only on his age too fast metabolism. She learned how to lose weight
"The emaciated figure stussy I fit exceedingly fast. Perfect was that we were still together via the Internet. We did not need to meet somewhere for coffee or dessert very likely. Before long, I started myself girls give advice on how to lose weight, "recalls his life without food eighteen year old British woman Samira Jay.
Adherents of hunger supported each other and provoked, as in some crazy game. Constantly comparing their horribly emaciated figures. Samira is very critical BMI at the 13 points stussy came on the border of life and death (optimum is 19 to 25 points). Her mother Shamim refers to the whole situation: "She changed her whole personality, even if it has not her. Then I just cried and cried until it could not be saved "
"Hair loss, weakness, dizziness stussy and terrible cramps hungry, all flattered me, because my body acts constantly reminded that it is beautifully stussy lose weight," admits a young British woman. Samira, the Internet has become an idol, and many of the young women she tried to liken.
When was your most critical 34 kg, odfotila in underwear and photograph published on the internet. View on to itself it unspeakably shocked. stussy Although viewed in the mirror every day, until she saw the photo morbid slimness of her body.
Since quite a long time managed to conceal his illness, doctors intervened stussy at the last minute. Finally ended two months to Tape and chewed one mouthful and a half hours. Naturally, when a few months before her life was enough to week menu in the form of water, chewing gum package and buns ... Lethal thoughts
Today Samira admits with shame that belonged to model many anorektičiek to its current 54 kg treated as treason. Even knew it so much that went to the other side and now fighting anorexia as possible. The problem is that the ideas and the idea that a few years ago proudly spread, today still dominate many minds.
BBC in Britain estimated 60,000 people with eating stussy disorders. One hundred girls between stussy 15-30 years have problems with anorexia. In 1996, 419 cases of anorexia nervosa and in 2006 it was 620 And not just in the UK. Today is 2010 and those that chose to follow in Samiru deterrent stussy unfortunately woefully refusing food is increasing ...
Anorexia nervosa most commonly begins between the ages 14th-18th year of life, but may occur earlier and later. Often begins stussy as a response to a new life situation or event with which the individual stussy is unable to cope (transition to high school, college, stussy parents' divorce, death in the family, etc..). Is mental illness, stussy consisting in refusing food and distorted vision of his body. Along with bulimia are among the so-called. eating disorders.
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