Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Mon says:

Liv Tyler is hungry life | Pikošky.sk
"I was a model and actress since I was fourteen years old, so I've been on a diet my whole life. But after the birth I did not think of themselves or of my career, I wanted to think about my child. indivi So I no longer worry over the child. "
"I definitely think that these girls look too skinny. I know with Helena Christensen and Linda Evangelista and remember that Linda told me that when she was a model, in the nineties, the average dress size for the model was 6 or 8 Today it is a 0 or 2 This is worrisome. On the Models indivi is tremendous indivi pressure. It's not healthy. I can not imagine what it must be. "
"I ate like a pig. It's probably because I hired a cook and I ate a lot of vegetables and protein. A diving was difficult. In every scene we had to be out of breath, so I still run across the stage. I've just been shopping at Marc Jacobs and I bought a red dress in size 4 Never in my life I was size 4! "
I have no idea what size it is number 4 I think it is surprising that there is a 0 But that we could imagine it in real life ... I have a calculator on which are the letters, which I think qualifies for the researcher and delivered my absolute credibility. I assume, therefore, that 0 is about Nicole Richie. When you really eats. A 4 is therefore Liv Tyler in a form already know. Thus, I conclude that as Britney Spears will probably be around 16 While I still counted and applied it to my Slovak ratios and sophisticated calculations I came that Nora Mojsejová is then number 96 Plus or minus 20 But I think those numbers would still have preferred to express the state oblečenosti. 0 would be bare, would amount to 2 + knickers bra and so on. At the end of the scale would then be a hundred. This equates Ibi Maiga in winter when building a snowman. I think it would be a success. I declare to the petition. If you are in, send your admin octal photo. Every vote counts!
Mon says:
This is normally a new philosophical direction that tu.Zeby indivi modern Pytagorejci :) They always have my sympathies :) Well, I prefer indivi going home, I think I listen to a lot React ...
I also want photo left! best unit in the system maslickovych panties. uz their masses?
Feric says:
He / She wrote dominique on 09/24/2013 Good and bad outfits of the week ...
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