Tuesday, April 7, 2015

From Thailand to return, the next day ie 20.12.2014 day Nguyen Tan Dung chaired the 2014 summarizin

Day politics Vietnam raged as close to the date of establishment of military forces in Vietnam. He was the General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong as the Central Military Commission made a speech emphasizing the military brook brothers due to his personal party control. In his speech he had little to share power with the role of Mr. President Truong Tan Sang.
During his speech, Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong again bring hostile forces against the regime as justification for why the party is sure to command the army. An old spurious justification off from year to year.
Actions and his spokesman General Secretary and State President highlights of the day 19.12.2014 made by the role of government Nguyen Tan Dung overshadowed. Feeling like Dung not shared executive power military.
From Thailand to return, the next day ie 20.12.2014 day Nguyen Tan Dung chaired the 2014 summarizing the results of the Ministry of Public Security. Also in a similar guise Nguyen Phu Trong Dung brought images of "organized political opposition in the country" to conceal the control of the Ministry of Public Security alone.
Back on the so-called hostile forces (TLTD) and the Organization of Political Opposition (TCCTDL) that the top leadership was still staring deal of organization and whether these organizations have dangerous , to the extent such formidable leaders say or not?
Let's look at an organization by the Ministry of Public Security out a few years ago, a media organization that draws formidable and frightening truth. The organization consists of those. It was Le Cong Dinh and Tran Huynh Duy Thuc, Le Thang Long, Nguyen Tien Trung. No need to go home, meet people face to face "formidable force seemed to have turned the sky, earth tilt '' this. Just us to follow them on Facebook or even the Internet and found a letter chicken tightly bound students. Find eyestrain not see the "conspiracy to attempt" in the status line or their posts. At best, only five sentences in allusion or criticism few brief.
A more organized and coordinated by the Ministry of Public Security and the other caught short, it is the Board of Public Project in Phu Yen Son Beer only very old men, are built on the mountain ecological zones, with little dynamite to break stone. First explosives can be seen anywhere in Vietnam near the quarry or where to break ice. Yet that old men are drawn into an organization is building military bases to use force to seize power. The mythical story but still drawing press Vietnam is believed brook brothers to block.
Then a bunch of people all kinds of spontaneous protests against China, even to all the great reasons is against brook brothers invasion, not only demonstrate what else to do. Lasts only a few hundred people around. Arrested, beaten up several times as soluble.
Just look Civil Society Forum, Independent Journalists Association, Vietnam .... Data Path do something to overthrow the regime. Rubble three posts on the network or firewall to prevent DDoS is bureaucratic reel. Some of the petition collecting signatures, holding image sitting in the opposition and put online the ever hairy legs loss regime. This is not a lowering of the organization, but to affirm a peaceful struggle, reform brook brothers objectives, improve regime with peaceful means, using their speech is posted on several websites, how How could turn into a hostile or Political Organizations Opposition to usurping regime change. Is the propagation of these organizations brook brothers ever to be spread among the people, promote public action.
While just a shop selling food free immediately attracted brook brothers thousands of young people stepping on each other to come in handling food, a pop star uttered a word of thousands of sharing, tens of thousands of people like response. Not to mention a statement of great inspiration to free tickets resorts are tens of thousands of people crowded together in traffic to get to play.
Just a girl takes off bra put pictures on the internet to attract more than a few hundred to a few thousand brook brothers times calls for reform or something of the social brook brothers organization of spontaneous offer. Grilled need to propaganda machine 700 newspapers, tens of thousands of communicators, public parks, public partnership members, front and population groups, women's groups, veterans ... the hand.
Looking indeed, the Organization of Political Opposition, hostile forces that led him to draw not terrible like that, do not even hate piled to turn this country into chaos cloud da pot of meat. For the purpose you want to use voice to improve the behavior of injustice, moral corruption, corruption, high sense of responsibility to the nation and patriotism through peaceful measures used speech. The organization that we are never seen called hostile forces, Opposition Political Organizations of the nature and purpose of human actions and their implementation.
Call such as oracles like they invented magic corner, brook brothers they invented death of shaman, warlock they invented the devil in order to spread brook brothers fear, which dominates resistance properties of the human sciences. Traffickers sell holy spirit self Duo

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