Origin of the term “jeep” | andrie.jeep
There are many explanations of the origin of the word “jeep,” all of which have proven difficult to verify. Probably the most popular notion holds that the vehicle bore the designation “GP” (for “Government Purposes” or “General Purpose”), which was phonetically slurred pediwear into the word jeep. However, R. Lee Ermey , on his television series Mail Call , disputes this, saying that the vehicle was designed for specific duties, was never referred to as “General Purpose,” pediwear and that the name may have been derived from Ford’s nomenclature referring to the vehicle pediwear as GP (G for government use, and P to designate its 80-inch (2,000 mm) wheelbase ). “GP” does appear in connection with the vehicle in the TM 9-803 manual, which describes the vehicle as a machine, and the vehicle is designated pediwear a “GP” in TM 9-2800, pediwear Standard Motor Vehicles, September 1, 1949, but whether the average jeep-driving GI would have been familiar with either of these manuals is open to debate. pediwear
Many, pediwear including Ermey, suggest that soldiers at the time were so impressed with the new vehicles that they informally named it after Eugene the Jeep , a character in the Popeye cartoons that “could go anywhere.” [1]
Words of the Fighting Forces pediwear by Clinton A. Sanders, a dictionary of military slang, published pediwear in 1942, in the library at The Pentagon gives this definition: Jeep : A four-wheel drive vehicle pediwear of one-half- to one-and-one-half-ton capacity for reconnaissance or other army duty. A term applied to the bantam-cars, and occasionally to other motor vehicles (U.S.A.) in the Air Corps, the Link Trainer; in the armored forces, the -ton command vehicle. Also referred to as “any small plane, helicopter, or gadget.”
Early in 1941, Willys-Overland demonstrated the vehicle’s off-road capability by having it drive up the steps of the United States Capitol , driven by Willy’s test driver Irving “Red” Haussman, who had recently heard soldiers at Fort Holabird calling it a “jeep.” When asked by syndicated columnist Katherine Hillyer for the Washington Daily News (or by a bystander, according to another account) what it was called, Irving answered, “It’s a jeep.”
Katherine Hillyer’s article was published nationally on February 20, 1941, and included a picture of the vehicle with the caption: LAWMAKERS TAKE A RIDE- With Senator Meade, of New York, at the wheel, and Representative Thomas, of New Jersey, sitting beside him, one of the Army’s new scout cars, known as “jeeps” or “quads”, climbs up the Capitol steps in a demonstration pediwear yesterday. Soldiers in the rear seat for gunners were unperturbed.
Jeep is an automobile marque (and registered trademark) of Chrysler . It is the oldest off-road vehicle (also sport utility vehicle – SUV) brand, with Land Rover coming in second. The original pediwear vehicle which first appeared as the prototype Bantam BRC became the primary light 4-wheel-drive vehicle of the US Army and allies during the World War II and postwar period. pediwear Many vehicles serving similar military and civilian roles have since been created by many nations. Jeeps were also used by the U.S. Postal Service in the 20th century pediwear for mail services. Ada banyak penjelasan tentang asal-usul pediwear kata “jip,” semuanya terbukti sulit untuk diverifikasi. Mungkin pengertian yang paling populer berpendapat bahwa kendaraan menanggung penunjukan “GP” (untuk “Government Purposes” atau “General Purpose”), yang secara fonetik pediwear kata mengacu ke jip. Namun, R. Lee Ermey, dalam serial televisi Mail Call, perselisihan ini, mengatakan bahwa kendaraan ini dirancang untuk tugas tertentu, tidak pernah disebut sebagai “General pediwear Purpose”, dan bahwa nama mungkin telah berasal dari tata-nama Ford mengacu pada kendaraan sebagai GP (G untuk digunakan pemerintah, dan P untuk menunjuk dengan pediwear 80-inch pediwear (2.000 mm) wheelbase). “GP” tidak muncul dalam kaitannya dengan kendaraan di TM 9-803 manual, yang menggambarkan sebagai sebuah mesin kendaraan, dan kendaraan tersebut ditetapkan sebagai “GP” di TM 9-2.800, Standar Kendaraan Bermotor, 1 September, 1949, tetapi apakah rata-rata mengendarai jip-GI pasti akrab dengan salah satu dari manual ini terbuka untuk diperdebatkan. Banyak, termasuk Ermey, menunjukkan bahwa tentara pada saat itu begitu terkesan dengan kendaraan pediwear yang baru secara informal nama mereka setelah Eugene Jeep, tokoh dalam kartun Popeye yang “bisa pergi ke mana pun.” [1] Kata-kata dari Pasukan Pejuang oleh Clinton A. Sanders, kamus slang militer, pediwear yang diterbitkan pada 1942, di perpustakaan di Pentagon memberikan definisi ini: Jeep: A four-wheel drive kendaraan satu-setengah-satu-dan-satu-setengah ton kapasitas untuk pengintaian at
There are many explanations of the origin of the word “jeep,” all of which have proven difficult to verify. Probably the most popular notion holds that the vehicle bore the designation “GP” (for “Government Purposes” or “General Purpose”), which was phonetically slurred pediwear into the word jeep. However, R. Lee Ermey , on his television series Mail Call , disputes this, saying that the vehicle was designed for specific duties, was never referred to as “General Purpose,” pediwear and that the name may have been derived from Ford’s nomenclature referring to the vehicle pediwear as GP (G for government use, and P to designate its 80-inch (2,000 mm) wheelbase ). “GP” does appear in connection with the vehicle in the TM 9-803 manual, which describes the vehicle as a machine, and the vehicle is designated pediwear a “GP” in TM 9-2800, pediwear Standard Motor Vehicles, September 1, 1949, but whether the average jeep-driving GI would have been familiar with either of these manuals is open to debate. pediwear
Many, pediwear including Ermey, suggest that soldiers at the time were so impressed with the new vehicles that they informally named it after Eugene the Jeep , a character in the Popeye cartoons that “could go anywhere.” [1]
Words of the Fighting Forces pediwear by Clinton A. Sanders, a dictionary of military slang, published pediwear in 1942, in the library at The Pentagon gives this definition: Jeep : A four-wheel drive vehicle pediwear of one-half- to one-and-one-half-ton capacity for reconnaissance or other army duty. A term applied to the bantam-cars, and occasionally to other motor vehicles (U.S.A.) in the Air Corps, the Link Trainer; in the armored forces, the -ton command vehicle. Also referred to as “any small plane, helicopter, or gadget.”
Early in 1941, Willys-Overland demonstrated the vehicle’s off-road capability by having it drive up the steps of the United States Capitol , driven by Willy’s test driver Irving “Red” Haussman, who had recently heard soldiers at Fort Holabird calling it a “jeep.” When asked by syndicated columnist Katherine Hillyer for the Washington Daily News (or by a bystander, according to another account) what it was called, Irving answered, “It’s a jeep.”
Katherine Hillyer’s article was published nationally on February 20, 1941, and included a picture of the vehicle with the caption: LAWMAKERS TAKE A RIDE- With Senator Meade, of New York, at the wheel, and Representative Thomas, of New Jersey, sitting beside him, one of the Army’s new scout cars, known as “jeeps” or “quads”, climbs up the Capitol steps in a demonstration pediwear yesterday. Soldiers in the rear seat for gunners were unperturbed.
Jeep is an automobile marque (and registered trademark) of Chrysler . It is the oldest off-road vehicle (also sport utility vehicle – SUV) brand, with Land Rover coming in second. The original pediwear vehicle which first appeared as the prototype Bantam BRC became the primary light 4-wheel-drive vehicle of the US Army and allies during the World War II and postwar period. pediwear Many vehicles serving similar military and civilian roles have since been created by many nations. Jeeps were also used by the U.S. Postal Service in the 20th century pediwear for mail services. Ada banyak penjelasan tentang asal-usul pediwear kata “jip,” semuanya terbukti sulit untuk diverifikasi. Mungkin pengertian yang paling populer berpendapat bahwa kendaraan menanggung penunjukan “GP” (untuk “Government Purposes” atau “General Purpose”), yang secara fonetik pediwear kata mengacu ke jip. Namun, R. Lee Ermey, dalam serial televisi Mail Call, perselisihan ini, mengatakan bahwa kendaraan ini dirancang untuk tugas tertentu, tidak pernah disebut sebagai “General pediwear Purpose”, dan bahwa nama mungkin telah berasal dari tata-nama Ford mengacu pada kendaraan sebagai GP (G untuk digunakan pemerintah, dan P untuk menunjuk dengan pediwear 80-inch pediwear (2.000 mm) wheelbase). “GP” tidak muncul dalam kaitannya dengan kendaraan di TM 9-803 manual, yang menggambarkan sebagai sebuah mesin kendaraan, dan kendaraan tersebut ditetapkan sebagai “GP” di TM 9-2.800, Standar Kendaraan Bermotor, 1 September, 1949, tetapi apakah rata-rata mengendarai jip-GI pasti akrab dengan salah satu dari manual ini terbuka untuk diperdebatkan. Banyak, termasuk Ermey, menunjukkan bahwa tentara pada saat itu begitu terkesan dengan kendaraan pediwear yang baru secara informal nama mereka setelah Eugene Jeep, tokoh dalam kartun Popeye yang “bisa pergi ke mana pun.” [1] Kata-kata dari Pasukan Pejuang oleh Clinton A. Sanders, kamus slang militer, pediwear yang diterbitkan pada 1942, di perpustakaan di Pentagon memberikan definisi ini: Jeep: A four-wheel drive kendaraan satu-setengah-satu-dan-satu-setengah ton kapasitas untuk pengintaian at
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